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Breaking Through Barriers


Alysia Claiborne

Victim and Creator


30 March, 2015

Victim &Creator


        Being a victim in life is really what you make of it. Victims usually sit back and waist the time that they have and wait to the last minute to get anything important done. , For example, in the article,

    "Do you think like a victim or creator, “What the first student had said – “it wasn’t my fault, it was the bookstore’s fault” – was, indeed, true. In so much so it hinder her more than helped her. The second student did not ask “Whose fault is it I don’t have the book?” but instead asked “What can I do to get the text I need?” When her first answer did not lead her to her goal, she asked the question again, and again, until she finally achieved her goal. (Mirman).

My mother to me was a Victim in life. Working a job for her was hard, because she was very obese and abusive. Being an abused child was frighten. I realize she had issues that needed attention, which caused me to become, a victim child. One day, I remember when I locked myself up in the bathroom, she yelled loudly, if you don’t come out, I will call the police. I just did not want to be beat anymore, so I stayed there, stuck in the bathroom. Finally the police arrive and rescued me, at this point I said enough is enough I’m not going to let her abuse me anymore.

“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape, ourselves. The process never ends until we die, and the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility” (Eleanor Roosevelt).

Experiencing such hardship as a victim I realize it is very important to becoming a creator. I don’t want to be a failure in life so I pursue to attend school and make good grades. Being a creator, good grades allow you privileges. For example: Being in college is one benefactor privilege of a creator mindset. The challenge to make the best of choices, means working very hard, being positive and letting change of life produce good fruit. I want to learn and grow from problems and developed good character, so when problems come I will know how to make better choices to prevent any consequence that the obstacle of school or life brings forth. I know how to make it better so things just won’t happen again. I know my education and my grades are very important .As being a creator I will pursue every option towards getting my degree. I will refused to play the victim role throughout my college years. While getting my degree as being a creator I will be more punctual in my arrival to get to class on time. Failure is not an option.      

 Whether living life as a Creator or Victim, we have the choice to choose. We can choose to linger on are mistakes and problems or we can figure out a way to solve them. Everyone is in control of the way they want to live their life, we must be ready to except the consequences or rewards for our actions.



Work Cited

On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life.


Mirman, David. "Do you think like a Victim or a Creator?" You Are the Prime Mover. N.P., Jan 2012. Web. 5 Dec 2013.

Victim & Creator Essay

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